Medical Facilities

MNR schools maintain the basic medicine/first aid kit and emergency medical care numbers including ambulance services on display.

MNR Schools are following Central/State Goyt. notifications/circulars/SOPs on Health and Physical Safety issued from time to time.

MNR Schools are sensitizing students and parents on important health issues such as role of nutrition in physical and mental growth, nutritious alternatives to junk food,the importance of a balanced diet, etc., and its impact on child behavior and Learning.

MNR Schools are providing minimum medical facilities at school and it is a fundamental aspect of ensuring the health and well-being of students and staff.

These facilities include:

Basic First Aid: Having a well-equipped first aid kit with essential supplies to address minor injuries and provide initial care until professional medical help is available.

Designated First Aid Area: Allocating a specific area or room as a first aid station where basic medical care can be administered.

Trained Staff: Ensuring that at least one staff member is trained in basic first aid procedures, CPR, and emergency response.

Emergency Contact Information: Maintaining up-to-date emergency contact information for students, including details about any existing health conditions or allergies.

Access to Water and Hygiene Facilities: Providing access to clean water and promoting good hygiene practices to prevent the spread of illnesses.

Emergency Response Plan: Having a clear and communicated plan for responding to medical emergencies, accidents, or sudden illnesses.

Regular Health Check-ups: Conducting periodic health check-ups or screenings to identify potential health concerns and address them proactively.

Medication Management: Establishing procedures for the safe storage and administration of prescribed medications for students who require them.

These minimum medical facilities are foundational for addressing immediate health needs and creating a safe learning environment within the school.